Aplicações da Engenharia Química na Neurociência
Início Sobre o
Orientações Projetos Modelagem
e Simulação
e Apresentações
Deep Ambiente English

Artigos Científicos
File:   T.A.P. Bartiê, L.T. Pinto, Characterization of biophysical determinants of spatio-temporal calcium dynamics in astrocytes, arXiv:2107.03856v1 [] 8 Jul 2021
File:   C.C. Fernandes Jr and L.T. Pinto, Productivity increase in a large size slaughterhouse: a simulation approach applying lean manufacturing, International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, Emerald Publishing, 2040-4166, DOI 10.1108/IJLSS-02-2018-0012
File:   A. Teixeira, M.P. de Souza, T.A.P. Bartiê, A. Bolzan, L.T. Pinto, Theoretical and Experimental Contributions about the Usual Application of the Pseudo-First-Order Model in Kinetic Analysis of Oxyhemoglobin Deoxygenation, The Pharmaceutical and Chemical Journal, 2018, 5(1):123-135
File:   C.L. Riella, L.T. Pinto, SIMON: Sistema de monitoração ventiltória e auxílio ao diagnóstico, Sinergia, São Paulo, v. 18, n. 1, p. 18-24, jan./jun. 2017
File:   M. Girardi-Schappo, G. S. Bortolotto, J. J. Gonsalves1, L. T. Pinto & M. H. R. Tragtenberg, Griffiths phase and long-range correlations in a biologically motivated visual cortex model, Scientific Reports | 6:29561 | DOI: 10.1038/srep29561,, 2016
File:   G. S. Bortolotto, M. Girardi-Schappo, J. J. Gonsalves, L. T. Pinto & M. H. R. Tragtenberg, Information processing occurs via critical avalanches in a model of the primary visual cortex, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 686 (2016) 012008
File:   C.A. Claumann, A.W. Zibetti, A. Bolzan, R.A.F. Machado, L.T. Pinto, Robust estimation of thermodynamic parameters (H, S and Cp) for prediction of retention time in gas chromatography – Part I(Theoretical), Journal of Chromatography A, 1425 (2015) 249–257
File:   C.A. Claumann, A.W. Zibetti, A. Bolzan, R.A.F. Machado, L.T. Pinto, Fast and accurate numerical method for predicting gaschromatography retention time, Journal of Chromatography A, 1406 (2015) 258–265
File:   C.A. Claumann, A.W. Zibetti, A. B., R.A.F. Machado, L.T. Pinto, Robust estimation of thermodynamic parameters (H, S and Cp) for prediction of retention time in gas chromatography – Part II(Application), Journal of Chromatography A, 1425 (2015) 258–264
File:   M. Girardi-Schappo, G.S. Bortolotto, J.J. Gonsalves, L.T. Pinto and M.H.R. Tragtenberg, Visual processing in V1 is optimized on the edge of criticality, arXiv:1509.08954v1 [q-bio.NC] 18 Sep 2015
File:   G.S. Bortolotto, J.J. Gonsalves, M. Girardi-Schappo, T.P. da Silva, M.P. Nóbrega, L.T. Pinto, M.H.R. Tragtenberg, Optimal activity, avalanches and criticality in a model of the Primary Visual Area, BMC Neuroscience 2014, 15(Suppl 1):P23
File:   E. Steffani, A. C. Atti-Santos, L. Atti-Serafini and L. T. Pinto, Extration of Ho-Sho (Cinnamomum camphora Nees and Eberm Var. Linaloolifera fujita) essential oil with supercritical CO2: Experiments and modeling, Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 23, No. 02, pp. 259 - 266, April - June, 2006
File:   C. B. Spricigo, A. Bolzan and L. T. Pinto, Mathematical modeling of nutmeg essential oil extraction by liquid carbon dioxide, Latin American Applied Research, 31:397-401 (2001)
File:   R.R. Davesac, L.T. Pinto, F.A. da Silva, L.M. Ferreira, A.E. Rodrigues, A package for thermal parametric pumping adsorptive processes, Chemical Engineering Journal 76 (2000) 115–125
File:   C.B. Spricigo, L.T. Pinto, A. Bolzan, A.F. Novais, Extraction of essential oil and lipids from nutmeg by liquid carbon dioxide, Journal of Supercritical Fluids 15 (1999) 253–259

Apresentações em Congressos e Encontros
File:   2018   COBEC - Determinação das constantes cinéticas da desoxigenação da oxi-hemoglobina
File:   2018   COBEC - Utilização de artigos científicos na disciplina EQA5312-Análise e Simulação de Processos
File:   2016   COBEC - Cinática da Reação de Desoxigenacao Hemoglobina por Stopped Flow Mixer 4000
File:   2014   COBEC - Captação_de_cálcio_a partir de estímulos_glutamatérgicos
File:   2012   CBEB - Cinética da formação de Oxihemoglobina
File:   2012   CBEB - Potencial Pré-Sináptico - Dinâmica Iônica em Célula Neural
File:   2012   COBEQ - Algoritmo Genético e Coeficientes Cinéticos: Hemoglobina x Oxigênio nos Capilares
File:   2012   COBEQ - Uso de Rede Neural Fisiologicamente Plausível
File:   2012   COBEQ - Difusão do Neurotransmissor Glutamato na Fenda Sináptica
File:   2012   WCCM - Application of Caternay Curve…​n Hermetic Compressor
File:   2010   CBEB - Potencial Pós-Sináptico Excitatório no comportamento …​Sistemas de Neurônios
File:   2010   CBEB - Controle do Acoplamento entre FSC e Metabolismo
File:   2010   COBEQ - Oxigenio e Glicose nos Capilares Sanguin…​ e no Tecido Cerebral
File:   2010   COBEQ - Mod e Sim do Escoamento de …​trócitos em Capilares
File:   2010   COBEQ - Dinâmica Iônica durante um Potencial Pré-sináptico
File:   2008   BICS - Proposition of Physiologically Pl…​ible Neuronal Network
File:   2008   BICS  Excitatory Post Synaptic Potential and…​ndrite Space Constant
File:   2006   IACChE - Ischemic Process that following the Clamp…​ of Cerebral Arteries
File:   2006   IACChE - Coupling between Brain Electrical Activity Met…​lism and Hemodynamics
File:   2006   IACChE - Learning Styles of Chemical Engineering Students
File:   2006   LNCC - Primary Visual Cortex of the Macaque Monkey by…​tural Neural Networks
File:   2005   COBEQ-IC - Processos Isquemicos resultantes do Clampeam…​o de Arteria Cerebral
File:   2004   EBFS - Extraction of Ho-Sho - Experiments and Modeling
File:   2001   LAAR and ENPROMER1999 - Nutmeg Essential Oil …​raction by Liquid CO2
File:   1999   ENPROMER - Polpação Kraft-Antraquinona
File:   1999   ENPROMER - Dissolution of Cold-Pressed Citrus Pell …​ In Supercritical CO2
File:   1998   EBA - Ciclos de TSA na separação do Sistema Fenol-Água
File:   1998   EBA - Equilibrium Model for Adsorption of…​Butylamine on Alumina
File:   1990   ENEMP - Coeficientes de Difusão Efetivos em Poros Cilindr…​s com Paredes Rugosas
File:   1990   ENEMP - Coeficientes de Difusão Efetivos em Poros Cilín…​cos com Paredes Lisas
File:   1988   COBEQ - Aplicação de Colunas de Múltiplo-Efeito